Monday, 30 June 2014

The Big Idea 21st-Century Talent Spotting

The first era of talent spotting lasted millennia, during which people judged leaders on their physical abilities. If you wanted to erect a pyramid or fight a war, you naturally looked for the fittest, healthiest, strongest people (and we still do, unconsciously. Fortune 500 CEOs are on average 2.5 inches taller than the average American). 
In the second era, potential leaders were judged on their intelligence, experience, and past performance. In the third era, talent was evaluated according specific skills and personality traits found predictive of success in a particular role. But now we are at the dawn of a fourth era, in which, to deal with ever more uncertain and volatile business conditions, the criteria have shifted again. The question now is not whether employees have the right skills but whether they have the potential to learn new ones..
 Potential can be gauged through in-depth interviews and by mining candidates’ personal histories for specific evidence of five critical character traits -- selflessness, curiosity, insight, the ability to engage others, and dogged determination.


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